

Invited Book Chapters

[1] Cao B. Q.*, Li Y., Cai W. P.,Ch 9 Metal Oxide NanostructuredArrays: Nonconventional Template-assistant and Template-free Growth,Properties, and Applications,(pp. 356-396) in Metal Oxide Nanostructures andApplications, (Eds, Y. B. Hahn, A. Umar), American Scientific Publishers,California, USA, ISBN:1-58883-170-1, 2010

[2] Cao B. Q.*, Cai W. P., Ch 6ZnO Nanowire Arrays: Template-freeAssembly Growth and Their Physical Properties, (pp. 237-274) inNanofabrication, Patterning, and Self-assembly (Eds, Charles J. Dixon and OllinW. Curtines), Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, USA, ISBN:978-1-60692-162-3,2010

[3] Cao B. Q., M. Lorenz, G.Zimmermann, C. Czekalla, M. Brandt, H.von Wenckstern, M. Grundmann, Ch 6p-type phosphorus doped ZnO wires foroptoelectrical applications, in Nanowires(Ed. Paola Prete), Intech, Vukovar, Croatia,ISBN 978-953-7619-79-4, 2010

[4] Cao B. Q.* T. Okada, Ch 3 ZnO Nanowire and its HeterostructuresGrown with Nanoparticle-assisted Pulsed Laser Deposition, in Applications ofLaser in the Processing of Nanomaterials and their Characterizations (Ed, SubhashChandraSingh et al), Wiley-VCH, Weiheim, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-527-32715-7, 2012

[5] Cao B. Q.* H. B. Zeng, W. P. Cai, Ch 13 Application of PhotoluminescenceSpectroscopy in Characterizations of Nanomaterials(pp.555-572), in ApplicationsofLaser in the Processing of Nanomaterials and their Characterizations(Ed,Subhash Chandra Singh et al), Wiley-VCH, Weiheim, Germany, ISBN:978-3-527-32715-7, 2012


With UJN


[1] Expectingmore and better...


[1] JuD X,Xu H Y, Qiu Z W, Zhang Z. C., Xu Q., Zhang J., Wang J. Q., Cao B.Q.*, NearRoom Temperature, Fast-Response,and Highly Sensitive TriethylamineSensor Assembled with Au-Loaded ZnO/SnO2Core–Shell Nanorods on FlatAluminaSubstrates. ACS applied materials &interfaces, 2015, 7(34):19163-19171.

[2] LiL, MaJ, Zhang Z, Cao B. Q., Wang Y. J., Yuan H.T., Hierarchical Co@ CN anoflowers:Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties as an Advanced Negative Material for AlkalineSecondary Batteries. ACS applied materials &interfaces, 2015,7(43):23978-23983.

[3] JuD, XuH, Xu Q, Gong H. B., Qiu Z.W., Guo J., Zhang J., Cao B.Q.*. Hightriethylamine-sensing properties ofNiO/SnO 2 hollow sphere P–Nheterojunctionsensors. Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, 2015, 215: 39-44.

[4] ZiM.,Li J., Zhang Z. C., Wang X. S., Han J., Yang X.P., Qiu Z.W., Cao B.Q.*, Effect of deposition temperature on transparent conductive properties of γCuIfilmprepared by vacuum thermalevaporation. physica status solidi (a),212, 1466-1470 (2015).

[5] HanJ.,Gong H. B., Yang X. P., Qiu Z.W., Wang H. Q., Cao B.Q.*,Indium-freeCu/fluorine doped ZnOcomposite transparent conductive electrodeswith stretchable and flexible performance on poly (ethylene terephthalate)substrate. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 332: 549-556.

[6] DuanG.B., Hu X. L., Song X. Y., Qiu Z.W., Gong H. B.,Cao B.Q.*,Morphology Evolution of ZnO Submicroparticles Induced by Laser Irradiationand Their Enhanced Tribology Properties by Compositing with Al2O3Nanoparticles. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2015, 17(3): 341-348.

[7] QiuZ.W., Gong H. B., Yang X.P., Zhang Z. C., Han J., Cao B. Q.*,DaisukeN., Tatsuo O., Phosphorus Concentration Dependent Microstructure andOptical Property of ZnO Nanowires Grown by High-Pressure Pulsed LaserDeposition. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119(8): 4371-4378.

[8] ZhaoQ.Q., Ju D. X., Deng X. L, Huang J.Z., Cao B. Q., Xu X. J.,Morphology-modulationof SnO2 Hierarchical Architectures by Zn Doping for GlycolGas Sensing and Photocatalytic Applications. Scientific reports, 2015, 5.

[9] Zhang Z.C., Li L., Xu Q., CaoB. Q.*, 3D hierarchical Co3O4microspheres withenhanced lithium-ion battery performance. RSC Advances,2015,5(76):61631-61638.

[10]Han J., YuanS., Liu L., Gong H.B.,Yang X P., Li C.C., Hao Y. F.,Cao B. Q.*, Fullyindium-free flexibleAgnanowires/ZnO: F composite transparent conductiveelectrodes with highhaze. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(10):5375-5384.


[1] Yao N. N.,Huang J. Z. *,Fu K., Liu S. Y., Dong E., Wang Y. H., Xu X.J. *, Zhu M.,Cao B.Q.*,Efficiency enhancement in dye-sensitized solar cells with down conversion materialZnO: Eu3+, Dy 3+. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 267: 405-410.

[2] Ju D. X., XuH. Y., Zhang J.,Guo J., Cao B. Q.*, Direct hydrothermal growth of ZnOnanosheets onelectrode for ethanol sensing. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2014, 201:444-451.

[3] Qiu X. F.,Chen L., Gong H. B.,Zhu M.,Zi M., Yang X. P., Ji C. J., CaoB. Q.*, The influenceof annealing temperature on the interface and photovoltaic properties ofCdS/CdS equantum dots sensitized ZnO nanorods solar cells. Journal of colloidand interface science, 2014, 430:200-206.

[4] Song X. Y.,Qiu Z. W., Yang X.P., GongH. B., Zheng S. H., CaoB. Q.*, Wang H. Q. *, MoehwaldH., Shchukin D., Submicron-Lubricant Based on CrystallizedFe3O4 Spheres forEnhanced Tribology Performance. Chemistry of Materials,2014, 26(17): 5113-5119.

[5] Ju D. X., XuH. Y., Qiu Z. W.,Guo J.,Zhang J., Cao B. Q.*, Highly sensitive and selective triethylamine-sensingproperties of nanosheets directly grown on ceramic tube by forming NiO/ZnOPNheterojunction. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2014, 200: 288-296.

[6] Guo J.,Zhang J., Zhu M, Ju D.X., Xu H.Y., Cao B. Q.*, High-performance gas sensorbased on ZnO nanowires functionalized by Au nanoparticles.Sensors and ActuatorsB: Chemical,2014, 199: 339-345.

[7] Qiu Z. W.,Yang X. P., Han J., Zhang P., Cao B. Q.*, Dai Z. F., Duan G. T., Cai W. P.,SodiumDoped ZnO Nanowires Grown by Highpressure PLD and their AcceptorRelated Optical Properties. Journal of theAmerican Ceramic Society, 2014, 97(7):2177-2184.

[8] Zi M., ZhuM., Chen L., Wei H.M., YangX. P., Cao B. Q.*, ZnO photoanodes with different morphologiesgrown by electrochemical deposition and their dye-sensitized solar cell properties.Ceramics International, 2014, 40(6): 7965-7970.

[9] Q Z. W., YX. P., H J., Zeng X.S., Li X.H., Cao B. Q.*, p-type Sodium-doped Zinc Oxide NanowireArrays Grown by High-pressure Pulsed Laser Deposition. JOURNALOFINORGANICMATERIALS, 2014, 29(2): 155-161.

[10] Zhu M.,Chen L., Gong H. B.,Min Z., Cao B. Q.*, A novel TiO2nanorod/nanoparticlecomposite architecture to improve the performance of dye-sensitized solarcells. Ceramics International, 2014, 40(1): 2337-2342.

[11] Zhang Y.,Ge L., Li M., YanM., Ge S. G.,Yu J. H., Song X. R., CaoB. Q.*, Flexiblepaper-based ZnO nanorod light-emitting diodes induced multiplexedphotoelectrochemical immunoassay. Chemical Communications, 2014, 50(12):1417-1419.



[1] Xu H.Y.,Chen X. Q., Zhang J., WangJ. Q., CaoB. Q.*, Cui D.L., NO2 gassensing with   SnO2-ZnO/PANI composite thick film fabricatedfrom porous nanosolid, Sens. Actuators B 176:166-173,2013.

[2] Guo Jing,Zhang Jun, Ju Dianxing, XuHongyan, Cao Bingqiang*, Three-dimensional SnO2microstructures assembled by porous nanosheets and their superior performancefor gas sensing, POWDERTECHNOLOGY,250, 40-45 (2013)

[3] YangXiaopeng, Qiu Zhiwen, Li Xia,Lu, Jianguo,Cao Bingqiang*, Performance Improvementof Ultraviolet Sensor ofZnO NanorodArrays, APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 6, 12(2013)

[4] Han Jun,Zhang Peng, Gong Hai-Bo,YangXiao-Peng, Qiu Zhi-Wen, Zi Min, Cao Bing-Qiang*,Influence of thegrowthconditions on the transparent conductive properties ofZnO:Al thin filmsgrownby pulsed laser deposition, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 62, 21(2013)

[5] Chen Ling,Gong Haibo, ZhengXiaopeng, Zhu Min,Zhang Jun, Yang Shikuan, Cao, Bingqiang*,CdS and CdS/CdSesensitized ZnOnanorod array solar cells prepared by a solutionions exchangeprocess, MATERIALSRESEARCH BULLETIN, 48, 4261-4266 (2013)

[6] Zhang Jun,Liu Xiang hong, WuShihua, XuHongyan, Cao Bingqiang, One-pot fabrication ofuniform polypyrrole/Aunanocompositesand investigation for gas sensing, SENSORSAND ACTUATORSB-CHEMICAL, 186,695-700 (2013)

[7] Zhang Jun,Guo Jing, Xu Hongyan, CaoBingqiang, Reactive-Template Fabrication of PorousSnO2 Nanotubes and TheirRemarkableGas-Sensing Performance, ACS APPLIEDMATERIALS & INTERFACES, 5,7893-7898 (2013)

[8] Zhang Peng,Chen Ling, Zi Min, QiuZhiwen, GongHaibo, Cao Bingqiang*, Zn1-xMgxO(0 <= x<= 0.05) nanowallsgrown oncatalyst-free sapphire substrates by high-pressurePLD and their photoluminescence properties, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALSSCIENCE&PROCESSING, 111, 1119-1124 (2013)

[9] Man Liying,Zhang Jun, WangJieqiang, XuHongyan, Cao Bingqiang, Microwave-assistedhydrothermal synthesisand gassensitivity of nanostructured SnO2, PARTICUOLOGY,11, 242-248 (2013)

[10] Zhang Jun,Liu Xianghong, ZhangLixue, CaoBingqiang, Wu Shihua, Reactive Template Synthesisof PolypyrroleNanotubes forFabricating Metal/Conducting PolymerNanocomposites,MACROMOLECULAR RAPIDCOMMUNICATIONS, 34, 528-532 (2013)

[11] YangShikuan, Lapsley Michael Ian,CaoBingqiang, Zhao Chenglong, Zhao Yanhui, HaoQingzhen, Kiraly Brian, ScottJason,Li Weizhou, Wang Lin, Lei Yong, Huang TonyJun, Large-Scale FabricationofThree-Dimensional Surface Patterns UsingTemplate-Defined Electrochemical Deposition, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 23,720-730 (2013)


[1] Song X.Y.,Zheng S. H., ZhangJ., Li W., Chen L., Cao B. Q.*,Synthesis of monodispersedZnAl2O4 nanoparticles and their tribology propertiesas lubricant additives, Materials Research Bulletin 47: 4305-4310, 2012.

[2] Hu X.L.,Gong H. B., Wang Y.Z., Chen Q., Zhang J., Zheng S. H., Yang S. K., Cao B.Q.*,Laser-inducedreshaping of particles aiming at energy-saving applications,J. Mater.Chem. 22: 15947-15952,2012.

[3] Chen Q.,Zheng S. H., Yang S.K., Li W., Song X. Y., Cao B. Q.*,Enhanced tribologyproperties of ZnO/Al2O3 compositenanoparticles as liquid lubricating additives, J Sol-Gel Sci Technol 61:501-508, 2012.

[4] ZhangP.,Zhou G. D., Gong H.B., Xu H. Y., D. Nakamura, T. Okada, Zeng H. B., Cao B.Q.*,Pressure-InducedGrowth Evolution of Different ZnO Nanostructures by aPulsed Laser Ablation Method, Science of Advanced Materials 4: 455-462, 2012.

[5] Li W., ZhengS. H., Chen Q., Cao B.Q.*,A new method for surface modification of TiO2/Al2O3nanocompositeswithenhanced anti-friction properties, Mater. Chem. Phys. 134: 38-42, 2012.

[6] Wei H. M.,Gong H. B., Chen L.,Zi M., Cao B. Q.*, Photovoltaic Efficiency Enhancement ofCu2OSolarCells Achieved by Controlling Homojunction Orientation andSurface Microstructure, J. Phys. Chem. C 116: 10510-10515, 2012.

[7] Chen L.,Gong H. B., Wei H. M.,Hu X. L., Xu H. Y., Liu P., Cao B. Q., Aqueous Synthesisof CdTe and HgCdTe Quantum Dots and Their Application in Quantum Dot-SensitizedSolar Cells, Science of Advanced Materials 4:337-341, 2012.

[8] Gong H. B., Hao X. P., Wu Y.Z., CaoB. Q., Xia W., Xu X. G., Enhanced light extraction from GaN-based LEDs with a bottom-upassembled photonic crystal, Materials Science and Engineering B 176: 1028-1031,2011.

[9] Li W., Zheng S. H., Cao B.Q.,Ma S.Y., Friction and wear properties of ZrO2 /SiO2compositenanoparticles,J Nanopart Res 13: 2129-2137, 2011.

[10] Cao B. Q.*, Wei H. M., HuX. L.,Gong H. B., Polarand Nonpolar ZnO Nanowire QWs grown with PLD usingNanowireArrays with TuningDensity as Physical Templates, Materials ScienceForum 688:207-212, 2011.

[11] Cao B. Q.*, K. Sakai, D.Nakamura,I. A. Palani,Gong H. B., Xu H. Y., M. Higashihata, and T. Okada,StimulatedOptical Emissionfrom ZnO Nanobelts Grown with a Simple CarbothermalEvaporationMethod, J. Phys. Chem. C 115: 1702-1707, 2011.

[12] Cao B. Q.*, Liu Z. M., Xu H.Y.,Gong H. B, D. Nakamura, K. Sakai, M.Higashihata and T.Okada,Catalyst/dopant-free growth of ZnO nanobelts withdifferent opticalpropertiesfrom nanowires grown via a catalyst-assistedmethod, Cryst Eng Comm13:4282-4287,2011.


[1] Cao B. Q.*, Hu X. L., Wei H.M., XuH. Y., Radialand Axial Nanowire Heterostructures Grown with ZnONanowires asTemplates, TENCON 2010.

[2] Zeng H.B.,Cui J. B.,Cao B.Q.,U.Gibson, Y. Bando, D. Goberg, ElectrochemicalDeposition of ZnONanowire Arrays:Organization,Doping, and Properties, Adv.Mater. 2: 336-358,2010.

[3] Cao B. Q.*,J. Zúñiga-Pérez,C.Czekalla, H. Hilimer, J. Lenzner, N. Boukos, A. Travlos, M.Lorenz,M.Grundmann,Tuning the lateral density of ZnO nanowire arrays and itsapplicationasphysical templates for radial nanowire heterostructures, J. Mater.Chem.20:3848-3854, 2010.


[1] Cao B. Q.*,T. Matsumoto,M.Matsumoto, M. Higashihata, D. Nakamura, and T. Okada, ZnOnanowalls grown withhigh-pressurePLD and their applications as field emittersand UV detectors, J.Phys. Chem. C113: 10975-10980, 2009.


Before Joining UJN

[1] Lorenz M., RahmA., Cao B. Q.,et al. Self-organizedgrowth of ZnO-basednano- and microstructures, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASICSOLID STATE PHYSICS,247, 1265-1281, 2010.

[2] CzekallaC.,Nobis T., Rahm A., Cao B. Q. et al., Whisperinggallery modes in zinc oxidemicro- and nanowires ,PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASICSOLID STATE PHYSICS, 247:1282-1293, 2010.

[3] ZimmermannG.,Lange M., Cao B.Q., et al.,Resistivity control of ZnO nanowires by Al doping,PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS, 4: 82-84, 2010.

[4] Cao B. Q., Matsumoto T.,Matsumoto M., et al. ZnONanowalls Grown with PLD and their FieldEmission and UV Detector Properties,2009 LASERS & ELECTRO-OPTICS & THEPACIFIC RIM CONFERENCE ON LASERS ANDELECTRO-OPTICS, 1~2: 460-461, 2009.

[5] MatsumotoT.,Kumeda A., Cao B. Q.,et al, Synthesis of Horizontally-Aligned ZnO Nanowires andTheir Applicationsto Sensors, 2009 LASERS & ELECTRO-OPTICS & THEPACIFIC RIM CONFERENCEON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS, 1~2: 1325-1326, 2009.

[6] Cao B. Q., J.Zúñiga-Pérez, N. Boukos, C. Czekalla, H.Hilmer, J. Lenzner, A. Travlos, M.Lorenz, M. Grundmann,Homogenous ZnO/ZnMgOradial quantum well heterostructures on low-density ZnOnanowires ,Nanotechnology 20: 305701, 2009 (被选为封面)

[7] M. Willander,O. Nur, Q. X. Zhao, L. L. Yang, M.Lorenz, Cao B. Q.,J. Zúñiga-Pérez, et al.Zinc Oxide Nanorods based photonic devices: Recentprogress in growth lightemitting diodes and lasers, (Topical Review), Nanotechnology 20 332001, 2009.

[8] M.Lorenz, CaoB. Q.,G. Zimmermann, G. Biehne, C. Czekalla, H. Frenzel, M. Brandt, H.vonWenckstern, M. Grundmann, Stablep-type ZnO:P nanowire/n-type ZnO:Ga filmjunctions, reproducibly grown bytwo-step pulsed laser deposition J. Vac. Sci.Technol. B  27: 1693-1697, 2009.

[9] C.Czekalla, C.Sturm, R. Schmidt-Grund, Cao B. Q., J. Zúñiga Pérez, M. Lorenz, M.Grundmann,Optical characterization of zinc oxidemicrolasers and microwirecore-shell heterostructures J. Vac. Sci.Technol. B 27: 1870, 2009.

[10]Huang X. H., G. H. Li,Cao B. Q., Wang M., Hao C.Y., Morphology Evolution and CL Property of Ni-DopedZinc Oxide Nanostructureswith Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism, J. Phys. Chem.C, 113: 4381-4385, 2009.

[11]Cao B. Q, M. Lorenz,H. von Wenckstern,C. Czekalla, M. Brant, A. Rahm, J. Lenzner, G. Bendorf, G.Biehne, M.Grundmann, Phosphorusdoped ZnO wires:acceptor-related cathodoluminescence and p-type conductingFET-characteristics,SPIE V6895: 25, 2008.

[12]Cao B Q*, Cai W P, From ZnO Nanorods to Nanoplates:Chemical BathDeposition Growth and Surface-related Emission, J. Phys. Chem. C,112: 680-685,2008.

[13]Cao B Q*., M. Lorenz,M. Brandt, H. vonWenckstern, J. Lenzner, G. Biehne, M. Grundmann, p-type Conducting ZnO Microwires Prepared byDirectCarbothermal Growth, phys. stat. sol. (RRL), 2: 37-39, 2008.

[14]Czekalla C., Strum C.,Schmit-Grund R.,Cao B. Q.,Lorenz M., Grundmann M., Whisper Gallery Mode Lasingin ZnO Microwires, Appl.Phys. Lett., 94: 241102, 2008.

[15]Czekalla C, Guinard J,Hanisch C, Cao B. Q., Kaidashev E M,Boukos N, Travlos A, Renard J, Gayral B,Dang D Le Si, Lorenz M, Grundmann M,Spatial fluctuations of the opticalemission from single ZnO/ZnMgO nanowirequantum wells, Nanotechnology, 19: 115202,2008.

[16]Cao B. Q.*, Teng X.M.,Heo S. H., Li Y., Cho S. O., Li G. H., Cai W. P., Different ZnO Nanostructures Fabricated by aSeed-LayerAssisted Electrochemical Route and their Photoluminescence and FieldEmissionProperties, J. Phys. Chem. C 111:2470-2476, [2007].

[17]Cao B. Q.*, M. Lorenz,A. Rahm. H. von Wenckstern, C. Czekalla, J. Lenzner, G.Benndorf, M. Grundmann, Phosphorous Acceptor Doping of ZnO nanowiresbyPulsed Laser Deposition, Nanotechnology,18:455707, [2007].

[18]Zeng H. B., Li Z. G.,Cai W. P., Cao B. Q., Liu P. S., Yang S.K., Microstructure Control of Zn/ZnOCore/shell Nanoparticles and TheirTemperature-dependent Blue Emissions, J.Phys. Chem. B 111: 14311-14317, [2007]

[19]Huang Z. Y., Chai C.F., Cao B. Q., Temperature-dependentEmission Shifts of Peanutlike ZnO MicrorodsSynthesized by a HydrothermalMethod, Crystal Growth and Design,7: 1686-1689,[2007].

[20]Cao. B. Q., Cai W. P.,Zeng H. B., Temperature-dependentDifferent Shifts of Three Emission Bands forZnO Nanowire Arrays, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88: 161101, [2006].(Selected in VirtualJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)

[21]Cao B. Q., Cai W. P.,Zeng H. B., Duan G. T.,Morphologyevolution and Photoluminescence properties of ZnO FilmsElectrochemically Depositedon Conductive Glass Substrates, J. Appl. Phys. 99: 073516, [2006].

[22]Cao B. Q.*, Cai W. P.,Li Y., Duan G. T., Growth of ZnO Nanoneedle Arrays with StrongUltravioletEmissions by an Electrochemical Deposition Method, Crystal Growth and Design,6: 1091-1095,[2006].

[23]Zeng. H. B.,Cai W. P.,Cao B. Q., Hu J. L., Li Y., Liu P. S., Surface OpticalPhonon Raman Mode from Metal-semiconductor ZnCore/ZnOshell Nanoparticles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88: 181905,[2006]. (IF= 3.359,citation 12

[24]Kan C. X.,Wang G. H.,Zhu X. G., Li C. C., Cao B. Q., Structure andthermal stability of goldnanoplates. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88: 071904, [2006].

[25]Li C. C.,Cai W. P.,Cao B. Q.,Sun F. Q., Li Y., Kan C. X., Zhang L. D., Mass Synthesis of Large SizeSingle-crystal AuNanosheets Based on A Polyol Process, Advanced Functional Materials 16: 83-90,[2006].

[26]Li Y., Cai W. P., CaoB. Q., Duan G. T.,SunF. Q., Li C. C., Jia L. C., 2Dhierarchicalporous silica film and its tunable superhydrophobicity, Nanotechnology 17:238-243, [2006].

[27]Li Y., Cai W. P., CaoB. Q., Duan G. T., Li C. C., Sun F. Q., Zeng H.B., Morphology-controlled 2D ordered arraysbyheating-induced deformation of 2D colloidal monolayer, Journal of MaterialChemistry 16:609-615, [2006].

[28]Duan G. T., Cai W. P.,Li Y., Li Z. G., Cao B. Q., Luo Y. Y., Transferableordered Ni hollow sphere arraysinduced by electrodeposition on colloidalmonolayer, Journal of PhysicsandChemistry B. 110 (14): 7184-7188, [2006].

[29]Duan G. T., Cai W. P.,Li Y., Cao B.Q.,Measurement of Light Wavelength BasedOn Nanostructured Ordered Pore Arrays,Journalof Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Science 6, 2474-2478, [2006].

[30]Cao B. Q., Cai W. P.,Duan G. T., Li Y., Zhao Q., Yu D. P.,Atemplate-free electrochemical deposition route to ZnO nanoneedle arraysandtheir optical and field emission properties, Nanotechnology 16: 2567-2574,[2005]. (Written in the EU<<Roadmap for Photonics andNanotechnologies>>)

[31]Cao B. Q., Cai W. P.,Li Y., Sun F. Q., Zhang L.D.,Ultraviolet-light-emitting ZnO nanosheets prepared by a chemicalbathdeposition Method, Nanotechnology16: 1734-1738, [2005]. (Highlighted byhttp://www.frost.com)

[32]Cao B. Q., Sun F. Q.,Cai W. P., Electrodeposition-inducedhighlyoriented zinc oxide ordered pore arrays and their ultraviolet emissions,Electrochemical and solid State Letters8 (9): G237-G240, [2005].

[33]Li Y., Cai W. P., CaoB. Q., Duan G. T.,SunF. Q., Li C. C., Fabricationofthe periodic nanopillar arrays by heat-induced deformation of 2Dpolymercolloidal monolayer, Polymer 46:12033-12036,[2005].

[34]Li Y., CaiW. P., DuanG. T., Cao B. Q., Sun F.Q., Lu F., Superhydrophobicityof 2D ZnO orderedpore arrays formed by solution-dipping template method,Journal of Colloidal and Interface Science 287: 634-639, [2005].

[35]Li Y., Cai WP, Duan GT, Sun F Q, Cao B Q, Lu F, 2D nanoparticlearrays by partialdissolution of ordered pore films, MaterialLetters 59 (2-3):276-279, [2005].

[36]Li Y., CaiW. P., DuanG. T., Sun F. Q., Cao B. Q., LuF., Fang Q., I.W. Boyd, Large-areaIn2O3 ordered pore arrays and theirphotoluminescenceproperties, Applied Physics A 81:269 – 273, [2005].

[37]Li Y., CaiW. P., DuanG. T., Cao B. Q., Sun F.Q., Lu F., Two-dimensionalordered polymer hollowsphere and convex structure arrays based on monolayerpore films, Journal of Material Research 20 (2):338-343, [2005].

[38]Sun F. Q.,Cai W. P.,Li Y., Cao B. Q., Lei Y.,Zhang L. D., Morphologycontrolled growth of largearea ordered porous film, MaterialScience andTechnology 21 (4): 500-504, [2005].

[39]Cao B. Q., Cai W. P.,Sun F. Q., Li Y., Lei Y. and Zhang L.D., Fabrication of large-scale zinc oxide ordered pore arrayswith controllablemorphology, ChemicalCommunications 14: 1604-1605, [2004].

[40]曹丙强, 蔡伟平, 孙丰强,李越,胶体晶体及基于胶体晶体的纳米结构, 物理 33:127-132,[2004] (in Chinese)

[41]Sun F. Q.,Cai W. P.,Li Y., Cao B. Q., Lei Y.,Zhang L. D., Morphologycontrol and transferabilityof ordered through-pore arrays based onelectrodeposition and colloidalmonolayers, Advanced Materials16: 1116-1121,[2004].

[42]Sun F. Q.,Cai W. P.,Li Y., Cao B. Q., LeiY., Zhang L. D., Morphology-controlledgrowthof large-area two-dimensional ordered pore arrays, Advanced FunctionalMaterials 14:283-288, [2004].